LOGIN: Garden 夢境花園

📢 本季限定活動:『寒舍艾麗酒店』7 樓空中花園,首次與跨界音樂活動合作


Dream 夢境,有著一切的幻想,是無限可能之處。讓所有的疲倦歇息、消逝在這花園的一隅......
藝術與音樂跨界的驚奇,灑落在台北的天際線上,交疊出真實又奇幻的『LOGIN: Garden 夢境花園』


由電子音樂內容品牌 LOGIN 與多位藝術創作者合作,打造不思議的空中花園電音派對。
2022 年 11 月 19 日 (Sat.)、20日 (Sun.),從午間到夜晚,18 名 DJ 攜手接續的音樂篇章。與多位藝術家的裝置作品。

造訪『LOGIN: Garden 夢境花園』,漫步在台北天際線,感受藝術與電子音樂的跨界體驗。

🚩 場地容留人數為 350 人,票券數量有限,售罄將不開放現場票 🚩


DJ Line-up:
Day 1 - Angela Bu & Lucypova、Henree & DZRT FRST、Yellow Snap & Bernie (CyL)、Max Huang & KÄTE、Jamie Q、Code Wu
Day 2 - Mr. Kloud、Kiko Barraza、Chupis & Yuhan、He Teng、Subi、Gazer & Lemonfacer 

吧檯團隊:BAR PUN

贊助單位:Rémy Martin

媒體協力:Mixmag Asia


|| 入場費用 Admission fee ||

🔔 EARLY BIRD | 早鳥票:NT$900 ( 結束販售 )
🔔 EARLY BIRD TWO DAY PASS | 早鳥雙日票:NT$1,600 ( 結束販售 )

🔔 GROUP TICKET | 團體早鳥票:NT$4,000 / 5人
🔔 REGULAR | 一般票:NT$1,000 
🔔 TWO DAY PASS | 雙日票:NT$1,800

🔔 DOOR PRICE | 現場票:NT$1,200
🔔 LOGIN MEMBER ONLY | LOGIN 會員票:NT$700 ( 僅供 LOGIN 會員卡持有者可購買 )

All Ticket Reserve a Bar PUN Special Event Cocktail.  所有票種均附 Bar PUN 活動特調。

更多包廂訂位資訊請洽 LOGIN Facebook/Instagram 專頁訊息
For booth reservations, please messege LOGIN FB/IG fan page

Good drinks, beverages and food are sold at the event


|| 重要注意事項 Important Notice ||

This activity must be over 18 years old to participate.
Tickets and bracelets for this event cannot be reissued or returned if they are lost, damaged, or unrecognizable.
Please implement self-health management. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, etc., please do not enter the venue.
Do not bring outside food into the venue, the organizer has the right to drive away those who do not cooperate and no refund will be given.
It is strictly forbidden to bring weapons and contraband into the venue. Please cooperate with the security inspection when entering the venue. If there is any violation, the organizer will call the police.
The organizer has the right to drive away the alcoholic and the insane.
If you vomit anywhere, create mess or damage, you will be liable for compensation.
The organizer will take a photographic record of the event process.

|| We LOGIN. ||

電視、節目、 DJ 演出和派對活動,都如同頻道,作為一個個體,將展現我們個性的內容呈現給大家,並一同因為這些迷人的獨特而相互連結。
TV, shows, DJ shows and party events are all like channels that, as an individual, bring out content that expresses our individuality, and together we connect with each other because of these captivating uniqueness.

寒舍艾麗酒店-空中花園 / 台北市信義區松高路18號


票種 販售時間 售價

2022/11/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/11/20 13:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$900

2022/11/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/11/20 13:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,000

2022/11/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2022/11/18 23:50(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,800

2022/10/25 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/11/20 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$700