LOGIN: Trans

※原定於 2022-1-22 舉辦的【LOGIN: Trans】因疫情因素,確定改期至 2022-3-12 (Sat) 舉辦。


LOGIN Trans 形象影片

LOGIN 將於 2022 年 3 月 12 日
在信義區 NEO19 頂樓舉辦首場活動
LOGIN x Remy Martin 聯名派對【LOGIN: Trans】
*LOGIN x Bast*

【LOGIN: Trans】

Trans 在英文字首中作為轉變、變化、蛻變之意
在 LOGIN 的最初,我們想帶來最特別的沈浸式體驗
由 10 位 DJ 在 B2B 中與大家分享尖端音樂品味

加上來自法國的設計團隊 Bast,帶著最新作品「H20」
凝視 H20,你將與現實脫離,進入純粹的幻象中

變化在兩位 DJ 之間流動不停

Bast H20 介紹影片

|| LOGIN 宗旨||

電視、節目、 DJ 演出和派對活動,都如同頻道,作為一個個體,將展現我們個性的內容呈現在大家眼前,並一同因為這些迷人的獨特而相互連結。

Here is LOGIN. Log in a new world.



“LOGIN: Trans” will be on January 22, 2022
LOGIN x Remy Martin Joint Event
The first show was held on the top floor of NEO19 in Xinyi District
Combinating cutting-edge music and illusion of light and shadow
*LOGIN x Bast *

The comfort and enjoyment of the bees on the top floor
In reality, we moving forward
In technology, we continue to innovate
Between the virtual and the real
Music leads us through it
《LOGIN: Trans》

“Trans” In the beginning of English languages
As the meaning of any change, transformation

At the very beginning, we want to bring you
A special immersive experience, with 10 DJs of the day
Share their music taste with everyone between B2B

And Bast from France with their latest works “H20”
Staring at H20, you will be disconnected from the world and enter the purest element
Feel the most primitive connection between the virtual and the real and the self.

Bringing the transition from day to night
Change is constantly flowing between the two performers
In metamorphosis, H20 bright at all night

LOGIN's purpose:
TV, programs, DJ performances and parties are all like channels, as an individual, presenting content that shows our personality in front of everyone. We are connected together because of these fascinating uniqueness.

Here is LOGIN. Log in to a new world.



時間 Date & Time:2022-3-12,14:00~22:00
演出陣容 lineup:

The 1
14:00-15:30  Yuhan B2B Kyra
The 10
15:30-16:50  Klosing B2B Koliseum
The 11
16:50-18:10  Bernie CyL B2B Yellow Snap
The 100
18:10-19:30  Jesse Chen B2B  Nymph Lee
The 101
19:30-20:45  Gazer B2B Max Huang

Special Guest
20:45~22:00 HWA (ELVIS.T)

|| 入場費用 Admission fee ||

• 團體套票:NT$3,500,五人成行,附 5 杯特調;限量優惠 20 組
• 預售票:NT$900,附一杯特調
• 限量VIP票:NT$1,300,附一杯特調 + H20裝置體驗 + 專屬短片錄製
• 現場票:NT$1,000,附一杯特調

• Collective ticket: NT$3,500 (5 people go, with 5 special drink) limited to 20 sets
• Advance ticket: NT$900 (with 1 special drink)
• Limited VIP ticket: NT$1,300 (with 1 special drink & H20 in-house experience & personal short video)
• On-site ticket: NT$1,000 (with 1 special drink)

更多包廂訂位資訊請洽 LOGIN FB/IG 專頁
For booth reservations, please contact LOGIN FB/IG fan page

Good drinks, beverages and food are sold at the event


|| 重要注意事項 Important Notes ||


• 本活動票券與手環如發生遺失、破損、或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發或退換
• 入場需量測體溫,體溫超過37.5度者不得入場且無法退費
• 請配合實聯制
• 除飲食期間,在活動現場須全程配戴口罩,主辦單位有權力驅離不配合者且不另外退費
• 請勿攜帶外食入場
• 嚴禁攜帶武器及違禁品入場,入場請配合進行安全檢查,若有相關違規情事主辦單位將報警處理
• 主辦單位有權力驅離酗酒與神智不清者
• 主辦單位將對節目過程進行攝影紀錄

In response to epidemic prevention regulations and to maintain the safety of guests, all guests are requested to strictly abide by the following regulations

• If the ticket and bracelet of this event are lost, damaged, or illegible, they will not be reissued or returned
• No entry is allowed if the forehead temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees
• Adopting conduct name registration
• Except during eating and drinking, masks must be worn throughout the event. The organizer has the right to drive away those who do not cooperate and no refund will be given.
• Please do not bring food and drinks into the venue
• It is strictly forbidden to bring weapons and contraband into the venue, and the entrance will undergo a security check
• The organizer has the power to drive away alcoholics and insanity
• The organizer will take a photographic record of the program process


NOMORE SPACE / 台北市信義區松壽路22號6樓


票種 販售時間 售價
團體套票 Collective ticket

2021/12/13 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/03/11 13:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$700
預售票 Advance ticket

2021/12/13 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/03/12 13:40(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$900
限量VIP票 Limited VIP ticket(含沉浸體驗 Include immersive experience)

2021/12/13 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/03/12 13:40(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$1,300
限定早鳥票 Limited early bird ticket

2021/12/24 13:00(+0800) ~ 2022/03/12 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$700